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Soul's Mirror 6 Card Tarot Reading |

Soul's Mirror 6 Card Tarot Reading

Current State of Being

Read Card Meaning

The "Two of Cups" in Tarot symbolizes partnership, emotional connection, and harmony, but warns against disharmony and codependency.

Hidden Desires

Read Card Meaning

The "Death" card in Tarot signifies transformation, endings, and new beginnings, but warns against resistance to change and fear of loss.

Deep-seated Fears

Read Card Meaning

Seven of Swords represents deception and caution. It advises vigilance against deceit and manipulation, encouraging integrity and discernment in actions and choices.

Unconscious Influences

Read Card Meaning

The "Nine of Wands" in Tarot symbolizes resilience, perseverance, and vigilance, but warns against burnout, paranoia, and resistance to help.

Hidden Strengths

Read Card Meaning

Eight of Swords represents feeling trapped by self-imposed limits. It advises recognizing personal power, challenging negative thoughts, and breaking free.

Potential for Growth

Read Card Meaning

The Ten of Pentacles symbolizes wealth, legacy, and family fulfillment. It indicates achieving material success and security, creating a strong family foundation, and honoring heritage.

Tips To Improve Your Reading:

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Tips To Improve Your Reading

Take a deep Breath!

Ttake a few deep breaths and try to relax your mind.

Tips To Improve Your Reading

Only the question!

Take a few minutes to focus only on the question or issue you'd like some more information about.

By allowing your mind to be still and focused your reading can give more insight and offer more understanding.

Tips To Improve Your Reading

Be specific

The more specific you are with your question or issue, the more appropriate and valuable your reading can be for you.

If your question or issue is vague and unformed, your answers will be the of same calibre.

Tips To Improve Your Reading

Accept the first reading as it is.

Please reframe from takeing another reading is the first one did not meat your expectations.

If you are looking for an answer then look elsewhere. Here your get the Universes answers throught the dices.

Tips To Improve Your Reading

Try not to overuse!

Taking readings many times a day can lead to you not making any of your own choices.

Using the cards wisdom should only be done when there are specific questions or issues you are dealing with.

Tips To Improve Your Reading

This is not exact science!

There are no absolutes in Dice readings.

Using this automated online dice reading to choose between life-altering changes in your life would probably not be a good idea.

Tips To Improve Your Reading

No need to fear the 'negative' responses

Do not take in a bad vibe just because you should get a negative response in your reading. Every card has both positive and negative sides to it.

Try to think of any worse recieved as just an answer. Niether a good or a bad one, it just is.