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Base 6 Gematria Calculator | MINDinst.net
Base 6 Gematria Calculator
You can use letters A-Z and numbers 1-9. Do not bring punctiations other than - in, they do not count in numerology.
This Gematria pattern is used to see where the electromagnetism connects with other aspects.
If f.eks: your name equals a number and you find that number in another aspect of existence then you are electromagnetically entangled with that aspect. Lets say that other aspect is
another person, a planet, a consept etc. With this gematria, we regularly do not sum up the result to be 1 number, we view the resulting number as a whole.
To contruct this Gematria, we use the 6 multiplication table. A=6, B=12, C=18, D=21 etc. It does fit with any language.
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